Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sunrise in Los Angeles

Ahhhh, time zone changes... On a normal day, Kim awakes pretty early (without the assistance of an alarm clock) to get caught up. Fast forward to Los Angeles to participate in The Special Event 2007, same thing happens but instead of it being 5ish - it is 3ish. Luckily Steve, the non-early bird stayed in Dallas to hold down the fort.

So what is a girl photographer to do? Take photos of the view, but of course! The lovely white glowing building above and below was like my very own night light - a beacon in the night. As you can see, not much is happening at 4am but I really enjoyed taking photos of the shadows created on the ceiling... I know get a life, but this could the beginning nugget for a fine art show.
Here's the sun coming up a little later - 6:20am. I'll be sharing photos taken from the show. It is amazing to see what all event people can do and how out of the box everyone is. Incredibly inspirational, which is why we attend!

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