Sunday, July 23, 2006

D Magazine's Best of Big D Platinum Party

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Checkout this link to a slideshow from Thursday night's D Magazine's Best of Big D 2006 Platinum Party held at Gilleys Dallas. The bands included in these photos are The Wonders, A Hard Night's Day and Top - all represented by our friends at Absolute Entertainment. The amazing entertainment - from the guys on stilts to the incredible acrobats and other living art - were courtesy of Bravo! Entertainment . Cory, from Cocktails and Caviar, outdid himself transforming Gilleys and of course the food from all the sponsors was delectable.

The proceeds from the night's event benefitted Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children . Some of the faces you'll see include Rebecca Hackl of Event Studio Dallas/Ft. Worth visting with wedding proposal guru Mike Bloomberg of An Exclusive Engagement, Dallas Morning New's Michelle Jackson (expecting a special delivery soon) with her husband and marketing master Doug Jackson. There is some of the Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine staff showing support of past publisher Susan Hicks and Steve and Kim Cooley of Carpe Vita Photography.

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