Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Party @ The Apartment

Steve and I attended a little gathering last Thursday at Todd Event's The Apartment showcasing George Catering and Society Bakery. The touch of warm weather added to the sizzle in the atmosphere with a promise that summer will be here soon.

The Apartment is definitely the quint-essential backdrop for any get together where you want to make a fashion statement. Click here to see a slideshow this hot venue in action. DJ Sista Whitenoise spun the night away providing the perfect background beat.

Of course, the food had to be awesome since it was courtesy of George Catering - click here to see a slideshow that will make your mouth water and have you calling Brent to plan your next party menu.

To cap off the night, a delicious designer cupcake or two that Society Bakery must add a mystery ingredient (slice of heaven) to. I actually scarfed mine the next morning for a decadent start to Friday and the weekend. If your tummy wasn't already growling after the George slideshow, this artistic display of sugar (click here) will take you there.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Hotel ZaZa Wedding

Here's a slideshow of the small album we did for the Hotel ZaZa catering staff - showing off the wonderful location and yummies provided for guests to nosh on. You'll see some of the Bella Flora of Dallas creations showcased in the previous posting highlighted in the album.

One unique aspect that this album does not show off is the full size bed that sat close to the entrance of the Uptown Ballroom. Definitely a detail loved by many of the guests so we made sure to offer a "Photo Bed Booth" setup so guest could click off a few photos of them enjoying the surroundings for their hosting couple. Photo Booths can be a fun addition to any party, contact us (email in the nav) for info about having one at your next shindig. We would share some of the photos here but we don't have permission from all involved but they are pretty funny!

Tommy Lee, icon and currently drummer for the band Rock Star Supernova, who was staying at ZaZa that night for their Feb 11th concert at Nokia was heard to hear comment from a reliable source (the bride's mom), "That's a party I would like to attend" when he saw the bed in the room on his way out of DragonFly. Here's a photo of Tommy Lee tickling the ivories on the piano just outside of the Hotel ZaZa's Uptown Ballroom before the bride and groom made their entrance.

Bella Flora of Dallas

February 10th we photographed Gretchen and James Darby's Dallas Wedding Reception at Hotel ZaZa. Bella Flora of Dallas provided the glorious taste of tropics to remind guests of the couple's January nupitals in Hawaii. Here are photos from an 5x7 display album we created for their studio. Some of the photos are shown 5x14 to give you a better idea of the drama these talent designers created. We hope you enjoy them.